Our Donoors Banner

Thank you to all of our valued donors

Thank you for playing an important role in advancing and strengthening health care excellence at The Moncton Hospital. Each and every donation is appreciated as it is invested in sophisticated technologies and renovated spaces to makes a positive impact for patients, their families, health care staff and the future of medicine.


We are honored to recognize our generous donors.


Last updated:  October, 2023


Donor Levels
  • {{level.description}} {{level.name}}
Donor Index
View donor level:
  •   {{donor.name}}
Donated {{levels[levelValue].description}}

All donations recognized in the Friends for Life donor recognition program will be cumulative over the lifetime of the donor; beginning January 1, 1990.


Did you know?

Names listed here also appear on our Donor Recognition Display located in the main lobby of The Moncton Hospital and in the main hallway heading to the Ambulatory Care Centre.


The Foundation would also like to thank those who made anonymous gifts to the hospital.


Call or email for more information 



How to Reach us

phone  (506) 857-5488
fax  (506) 857-5753
135 MacBeath Avenue
Moncton, NB E1C 6Z8

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